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Tag: firewheels

4.25.14 (Three Cinquains)

bees navigate
fields of wildflowers
I stop and watch

windblown, yellow
dancing, twisting, shimmering
lunchtime passes too fast

fields in red bloom
killdeer race through the grass
and bees hover silently, slow

This is an attempt to write cinquains in the three formats found here, but using the same or similar topics and words (firewheels, stop, enough) that I also used in today’s NaPoWriMo / PAD tritina poem “It Is Enough.”

It Is Enough

Firewheel (aka Indian Blanket)

It Is Enough

It is enough to walk among the firewheels
even if for a few minutes. It is enough
to breath the springtime air and let time stop.

It is enough to walk up the hill to the stop
sign. It is enough to feel the sun that firewheels
across the sky. Is it enough to say enough?

It is enough to savor cool water, enough
to lean against the wind imagining it will stop.
It is enough for bees to navigate the firewheels.

The firewheels are enough to make time stop.

PAD 2014 #25: Last Straw | NaPoWriMo #25: Anaphora