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Chlorine Summer Days

Chlorine bubbles
Teenage lifeguards
Lap lanes
He can’t hold his breath that long
She swims, swims, swims
She can’t hold her breath for him
Holding hands
Holding breath
Chlorine water bubbles
Break like glass
Smiling faces break the mirror
Ten more laps
Holding breath
Holding sun
They hold each other
Only Labor Day
(so far away)
dispels the dream
Of swimming, sun and
Water love
Chlorine swim
Sun five
Breath one
He will hold his breath for her,
Offering it like sunshine gold
From wrinkled hand
Swimming, she accepts
Breathes the breath
Of summer sun

This one came one summer day a few years ago while swimming laps at the neighborhood pool. Community pools are so ordinary and yet there’s a certain magic as well. Perhaps it’s just the way chlorine smells and warm water feels when it becomes part of memory.

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Published inPoemsPoetry


  1. I have strong memories of the public pool in Salinas circa 58-59. The smells of chlorine and latex. The step pool and shower and then the warm water in the wading pool. I can remember those smells like they were yesterday and know that if presented with them today they would not be as intense, if I am even capable smelling them at all

    Thanks for triggering a warm memory

  2. I suspect that many of those smells and other memory triggers require a few years to sort of age like fine wine in the oak barrels of our minds. Who knows, twenty years from now, perhaps I’ll remember this summer’s chlorine and say, “Ahh, yes, aught six. Now that was a fine summer, Sonny.” 🙂

  3. Christina Christina

    We have a beautiful salt water pool in our backyard – chosen for the benefit of our dogs, our son and the environment – but we still find ourselves taking in deep breaths as we pass our neighbourhood pool while taking a walk around the lake – that smell is summer – summer and riding bikes while carrying your float and towel and never sunscreen. That smell is sitting in a lounge chair sucking on a green Jolly Rancher stick – drinking Dr. Pepper and waiting what feels like HOURS for adult swim to end! Great poem, James!

  4. I’ve never heard of salt water pools. That’s very cool. You create a pretty vivid summer image yourself, by the way.

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