The grackles returned as is their wont around the first of the month. They spread out this time of year thus I only have five or six come around so the mockingbirds and blue jays still get their shot at the suet feeders.
I haven’t been filling the platform feeder as regularly as in the past. Too many mammals coming around and with a little boy, I’m inclined to keep it that way for a while. So it’s just suet and finch feeders for the most part, which the mammals don’t go for. And, with fewer doves hogging the yard, I’m seeing more mockingbirds and cardinals come around.
There’s also a nest in the nest box by the porch. I saw a chickadee hanging around the other morning and the nest doesn’t look like a wren’s nest, which is what I usually find in the nest box, so I’m hoping we’ll see some chickadees unless I scared them away when I opened the box to check it unaware that there would actually be anything in it (it hasn’t been used since 2009).
I didn’t do Project FeederWatch this year, but the usual winter suspects came around: ruby-crowned kinglet, yellow-rumped warbler, chipping sparrow and orange-crowned warbler. No American goldfinches this year, but the lesser goldfinches are here as always.
So spring is springing and the birds are coming around singing and each day there seems to be something new to show my son as we stand out on the porch listening to birds, though his favorite activities are waving at the dogs and laughing at the wind chimes. Through him, I’m seeing new wonders everywhere. The world is chock full of them.
James Brush is a teacher and writer who lives in Austin, TX. He tries to get outside as much as possible.
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The world is certainly full of wonders, specially at this time of year!
Yeah. The wildflowers here are amazing right now too. Another wonder last year’s drought suppressed.
I’m enjoying the birds right now, too. There are some who come back every year and nest in a bush in our front yard, but it’s nearly dead now from the drought and I’m wondering if they’ll come back or not.
I hope so. Good luck. Things are so much greener here after all the rain. I’d forgotten how amazing the wildflowers can be. I hope things are improving in your part of the state too.