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Fragments at Qarrtsiluni

A year ago, while trying to stay awake so as not to drop my newborn son while on shift rocking him through the wee hours of the night, I jotted some of my thoughts down on my iphone between games of Words with Friends and reading blogs. I tried cobbling them into a poem but when I saw qarrtsiluni‘s call for submissions for the fragments issue, I sent the notes and looking at them a year later, found I liked them as they were. So apparently did the issue editors, since they selected the piece and published it yesterday as “Notes Made on an iPhone while Rocking My Son to Sleep, July 2011”. Thanks Olivia Dresher and Catherine Ednie for including it!

It’s funny looking at this a year later. A little over a month ago, the baby disappeared and there was a wonderful, curious, active toddler in his place.

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  1. congrats, james!

    I remember that post about “redemption” — and when I hear the song now, I’m reminded of you singing to your son. watch him with eyes wide open; those toddlers turn down that path through college corridors faster than you can blink. 😉

  2. I love these little notes. And it appears that we may have a NICU stay in common. I’ll keep reading back, but were you at St. David’s Medical Center last year? We were there this summer with our new little bundle.

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