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Category: Poems

Poems written by me.

Waking for the Descent

We grabbed sounds from the air,
stuck them together, draped
language around actions,
tethering ourselves to history
inscribed in vellum, barked
and trumpeted for all to hear.

All this tonnage… it seems like magic.

We learned to tell convoluted
tales, twisting facts like
movements in a bellydance,
sapient and seductive.

What is that mist out there?

We carved the world like onion slices
to be devoured one-by-one,
ignoring the other passengers’
wrinkled noses.

Hold my hand.

Thumbing through the final pages, I skimmed
the moribund bibliography of My Heart:

Bark, Vellum K. Tether the Bellydancing. New Drape City: Moribund Hand, 2003.
Trumpet, J.J. “Tonnage.” Devouring Convoluted Onions. Mistburg: Sapient & Sons, 1993.

Fasten your seatbelt.
The plane will be landing soon.

This is for Read Write Poem’s wordle prompt (#79). The idea is to write a poem using a given set of words. All of those words comprise the bibliography portion of this poem.

Perhaps They Don’t Really Believe It Either

Whispers flicker in the void, explaining
each color present and how it combined
absent light with permanent darkness.

Overpowering and blinding,
a quasar burns static and noise.

Here, we don’t need sound;
we imagine music and try to sing.

That radio sun burned out ten years ago.

Or so they tell us.

This is for Read Write Poem’s Opposites Attract prompt. The idea is to write 2 poems each dealing with opposing elements, experiences, memories, or whatever. Then alternate the lines between the 2 poems to create a single poem.

This was an interesting exercise that went in an unexpected direction. I started with the ideas of darkness and light. Sound crept into both freewrites, thus creating a third layer of opposites. When I combined them, it seemed that the opposing forces in the poem shifted to light and sound rather than light and dark. After combining them line-by-line, I started fiddling with the lines to get a smoother flow from one thought to the next.

Below, I’ve included the original drafts so you can see how the poem developed.

Darkness draft:

In perfect darkness
Whispers flicker in the void, explaining
the absence of light, the permanence of darkness
a radio sun, burning static and noise
we hear music and try to sing

Light draft:

In perfect light
Each color present, combines
Overpowers and blinds
Here we don’t need sound,
The radio sun long ago burned out.

First Combination:

In perfect darkness
In perfect light
Whispers flicker in the void, explaining
Each color present combines
the absence of light, the permanence of darkness
Overpowers and blinds
a radio sun, burning static and noise
Here we don’t need sound,
we hear music and try to sing
The radio sun long ago burned out.

Update: Changed the first line from “Flickering whispers fill the void” back to the original “Whispers flicker in the void.” I think I like that better. Thanks Julie for making me think about whispers and flickering.


gauzy clouded sky,
like ink bleeding through paper
unreadable blue

This week’s Read Write Poem prompt (#74: Hyperlink Your Poetry) was to hyperlink a poem and try to add a bit of depth. I wanted to try to hyperlink every word so I chose a haiku I wrote yesterday. In addition to hyperlinking, I decided to make use of the HTML title attribute so that when readers mouse over the words, there will be something to read that perhaps adds (or perhaps removes) something from the poem.

What emerges is essentially an annotated poem. Mousing over the individual words will reveal one of the following: a related haiku/mircopoem, word associations, a question, wordplay or process notes. Following the links will lead to other (sort of) related sites.

I tried to think of each word individually to see where associations would take me both in terms of what I wrote and the sites to which I linked.

Follow the links, too. Especially that last one.

For those who may want to play with the title attribute, here’s an example using the HTML for the word bleeding in the poem:

<a href=”” title=”how many times while cutting mattes have i bled for my art?”>bleeding</a>

The Day I Held a Hummingbird

When you use spider silk to build a nest,
You take an awful risk.
This is what I learned from a hummingbird
Trapped in a spider’s web.

Still alive, the bird fought for his freedom,
The spider watched, waiting,
Shrinking back when I moved to intervene.
I gently pulled the bird

Out of the sticky tangles of the web.
Afraid I might crush him,
My fingers, trembling, pulled the silk away
From tiny, tightbound wings,

Glowing iridescent in the sunlight
When I opened my hand,
He shot into the air, flying swift north,
seeking another web.

This is a true story from a few years ago. I’ve written a few other poems about it, but this one is the latest. I’ve been experimenting with writing lines with specific syllable counts and sometimes stumbling into formal meters. Experimenting with rhythm, I guess.

Check out more good stuff at Read Write Poem, where you’ll find a number of folks who wrote a poem a day for the 30 days of April, aka National Poetry Month. I didn’t shoot for that, but I did write more poems this month than usual, many of which are at a gnarled oak or in my journal. And, I revised a lot of older ones.

Toward Cheyenne

Roiling clouds, grey as the mountains,
spill across sky, over the plains.

Farmhouses wrecked by the violence of wind,
mute warning for those still stuck to earth.

A blizzard’s first kiss bends roadside grasses,
travels through tires and axle to my palms

clutching the wheel. I don’t remember cars
or birds. Every minute the colors bleed

toward an iron uniformity.
I forget to believe in gravity.

I’ve been working on a series of road poems lately. Some new stuff and some old ones I’ve been revising. Read Write Poem’s prompt for the day was Road Trip so here’s a road poem.

It comes from a trip I took up to Colorado on ’94. One day, I decided to drive up toward Cheyenne because I’d never been to Wyoming. There was a blizzard coming in and, well, that led to this poem.

Breaking Zimmer’s Sentences

“Discrimitive insight”
is the enemy of avidyā
and therefore the chief instrument
to disentangle us from
the force
of the gunas.

It cuts through tamas
and rajas
like a knife, opening the way
to realization
that the core of our identity
is separated
from the continuous ebb
of the tendencies that capture
the attention
of the usual individual
and are everywhere
regarded as pertaining to the

I have no idea what this is about. I tried a Read Write Poem prompt called Thirft Store, where you arrange found lines into a poem.

The basic strategy is to find a passage of prose, keep it exactly like you find it, but change the line breaks strategically to call emphasis to the aspects of the passage you find poetic.

I decided to get a book from my library that I haven’t read (yet) open it to a random page and grab the first two sentences my eyes fell on. This is from page 304 of Philosophies of India by Heinrich Zimmer.

The end result is more of an exercise in line breaking than an actual poem, but it’s a useful exercise, I think, since it allows me to experiment with creating the look of a piece with total objectivity rather than having to battle preconceived notions when adjusting the line breaks in one of my own poems.

So, here it is, for what it’s worth.

Haiku (and Haiku-like things) for Spring

Pipevine Swallowtail
Pipevine Swallowtail

A young oak trembles:
the dying gusts of winter.
Flowers in the grass.

An hour before sunrise,
rain drizzles through the trees.
A wren sings nearby.

Swallows fill the sky,
returning on springtime winds,
far above our kites

Just water on the pond—
the ducks have gone north.

Clouds cross a daytime moon.
Jays work on a nest.

At migration’s end,
a scissor-tailed flycatcher
perches on a wire.

I build my garden
and plan my meals.

The birds watch
and plan theirs.

rip through trees
and melt

Spring’s first hummingbird
huddles against the cold.
Waiting for the sun.

These are for Read Write Prompt #72: Spring Is Sprung. I’ve been bogged down with other projects (a video, a series of poems, my job) so these are taken from my other blog, a gnarled oak, where I publish haiku and haiku-like things about nature (mostly). I’ve been writing a number of spring-themed poems there so I pulled some to share here. I also cross-post most of these to Twitter, so if you’re into this sort of thing, you can check that out too.

Happy spring!

Spring Flower

Dreams, Like Dew in the Early Morning

Dreams, like dew in the early morning,
drip from a shipwreck survivor’s rag.

Each glistening drop a chance, hope
against another day of slow gnawing


Dreams are dew in these latitudes—precious, scarce.
To cling to one is to forsake the other.

Staring at the dew collected on his faded rag,
he squeezes it above his mouth.
Each drop a moment’s


In the blistering afternoon,
dreams of early morning dew
fly off like the shorebirds
he imagined yesterday.

He marvels at each drop,
each perfect liquid globe,
like the one surrounding him,
that only delays


In these shimmering drops,
he sees sharks and a noose
tied by his own hand.

Each dream falls due
against the night,
the moon’s reflection,
endless rolling waves

like dreams,

like dew
in the early

This is for Read Write Poem: It’s all about the First Line. The idea was that participants would contribute a line of poetry and then choose someone else’s as the starting point for a poem based on freewriting from the borrowed line.

This was heavily influenced by Jules Verne’s The Survivors of the Chancellor, which I read last week as part of my Lost reading project.

The first line, “Dreams like dew in the early morning” was provided by Sam at thinking cities… Make sure to pay him a visit and read some of his poetry. It’s good stuff.

Miles (Never Once Imagined) – Postal Remix


I’d been working on this to submit to Postal Poetry but by the time I finished, I found that they were no longer taking submissions so I offer it here. It’s based on, and is really a remix of, a draft of the poem that I posted with the image about three years ago. I’m still working on the longer version.

It’s disappointing to see Postal Poetry go static, but I found it quite inspiring as I had never thought to combine images and words like this, which is werid considering the time I spend writing and doing photography.

I’ll probably post more of these here as I come up with them. Thanks, Dave and Dana, for the inspiration.

And, in a odd circular kind of way, and with no connection to poetry, the very day that Postal Poetry stops, my old friend Andy starts up his own site, which is about traveling in Texas. Check out Texas Rhodes Trips.

A Springtime Walk

Cardinal singing for spring

Every tree along the trail to the pond wears its own cardinal, each claiming territory and attracting mates, filling the air with song. Gnatcatchers and kinglets hop through the branches with the chickadees. Blue Jays build a nest by the pond where the ducks had been until yesterday when they got the migration call and departed for points north. With all the birds alive and calling attention to themselves, the deer skeleton was quite a shock.

on a bed of leaves,
a deer skeleton picked clean,
save one furry hoof