The highlight for Week 18 of Project FeederWatch was a Red-winged Blackbird at the tube feeder. This was only the second time I’ve seen one in the yard (the other time was June 12, 2007). I watched him for a few minutes, but he flew away before I could get my camera out.
The White-winged Doves took the lead this week for “greatest number of individuals observed.” During the summer months, we see more of them than anything else.
It was a mostly dark and gray weekend, so no pictures. Just the list, which includes most of the usual suspects:
- White-winged Dove (25)
- Mourning Dove (1)
- Blue Jay (3)
- Carolina Chickadee (2)
- Black-crested Titmouse (2)
- Carolina Wren (2)
- Bewick’s Wren (1)
- Northern Mockingbird (4)
- Orange-crowned Warbler (1)
- Chipping Sparrow (8)
- Northern Cardinal (1)
- Red-winged Blackbird (1)
- Common Grackle (2)
- House Finch (2)
- Lesser Goldfinch (1)
- American Goldfinch (2)
- House Sparrow (8)
James Brush is a teacher and writer who lives in Austin, TX. He tries to get outside as much as possible.
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