I don’t know what it is about long-legged waders that inspires me to write odd haibun, but here’s “The Cattle Egret” appearing in the ‘Animals in the City’ issue of qarrtsiluni.
Even cooler is sharing the day with Deb Scott and her beautiful work, and be sure to check out this one by Joseph Harker. Hell, just read the whole issue.
If you like egret haibun thing, I had another one published in qarrtsiluni back in 2011 and there’s one here too.
Thanks, Sherry and David for including this.
James Brush is a teacher and writer who lives in Austin, TX. He tries to get outside as much as possible.
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Thanks for the shout-out, and congrats on the piece! It was good to rub shoulders with such fine company this week. 🙂