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Saturday morning was perfect for walking the trails around the neighborhood. I started at the pond, enjoying the way the early light struck the trees from low in the east.

The ducks had come back to the pond after summering in northern climes. A great egret and a great blue heron also came by to catch the scene and probably a few fish as well. A turkey vulture and a low-flying helicopter also made appearances.

After the pond, I walked up to the little nature preserve I discovered back in August. Even though Texas isn’t known for its autumn show, it still felt that way with leaves falling like golden snow while the cobalt sky blazed in that special autumn way beyond the branches, growing more naked with each gust of wind.

I watched the path more than anything, though, listening to the sound of my feet crunching the leaves into next summer’s mulch.

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Published inNature


  1. I agree. Of course, we don’t really get winter down here. In a way, fall here is kind of like spring up north… sheer relief.

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