It was ordinary:
the hill, the town,
the sky, a wisp
of cloud against
the stars. Ordinary
as methane rain
on Titan or the dry
encroaching ice
on the windswept
Martian poles.
Common as each
flower in this field
around my feet,
each one a star
to mirror constellations
above my blood-filled
head. The window
lights in town
click off, a chorus
of everyday amens,
whispered in the holy
darkness of the night.
James Brush is a teacher and writer who lives in Austin, TX. He tries to get outside as much as possible.
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Nicely done….thanks for sharing
“The window lights in town click off, a chorus of everyday amens.”
Love it.:)
“The window
lights in town
click off, a chorus
of everyday amens,”
Nice Mag. Love and Light, S
I love the feeling in this….it is anything but ordinary. Exquisitely written, particularly the last few lines 🙂
Thank you, everyone.