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We hadn’t been walking long when I stumbled over ivy-covered stones. I bent to have a look. Found names and dates from the eighteenth century. Other stones, each with familiar names from the island’s past and dates long gone, lay scattered and toppled, poking up through centuries of leaf litter, soft soil and faded old beer cans.

We learned the difference between
boneyards and gardens of eternal rest
in the hours before the sun went down

Where faces fluoresce in ultraviolet light
stories             leapt                from stone

two broad-winged hawks
circle overhead and a little
girl calls for help, her voice
coming from, disappearing into
slow-moving creek water

An incandescent spark
between two wires reveals

dead snake
spiders under a bridge
raccoon scrambling away
water               full of memory


washed away
generations ago


You knew this would happen,
my inscrutable friend.

You knew.

This is for Read Write Poem’s Prompt #85: Spooky, which asks participants to respond to a picture of two guys in a graveyard. It’s a cool image and you can see it at the RWP site.

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Published inPoemsPoetry


  1. “and a little
    girl calls for help, her voice
    coming from, disappearing into
    slow-moving creek water”

    Words that haunted me…

  2. very spooky!!

    I love the pace, the shifting perspectives. It reads like a horror film–a good one like, perhaps, The Birds. And I love the ending ‘You knew.’

    (and congrats on all your ‘birds’ finding spots to roost these days! nice places…)

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