Last night, we saw Kathy Griffin’s sold-out show at The Paramount. It’s been quite a while since I’ve gone to see a stand-up comedy show, and I’d forgotten how fun it is to spend an evening laughing.
I’ve caught bits and pieces of her routine on TV and seen part of My Life on the D-List, and I’ve always liked her. She has a wonderfully breathless I’ve-just-got-to-tell-you-this kind of delivery that draws the crowd into her show by creating the impression of a friend sharing wild secrets and gossip. Her act focuses on ripping certain celebrities whom she often then meets leading to situations in which she has to deal with having put her foot into her mouth. I don’t watch much TV so I sometimes didn’t know who she was talking about (Clay Aiken? Lindsay Lohan?) but the jokes still worked and her delivery – sometimes self-deprecating, sometimes ridiculously assertive – is great fun. It’s not all celeb-bashing, though. There’s plenty of good pissed-off liberal political commentary and family stories that are completely over-the-top.
My favorite aspect of the show was her willingness to share the kind of embarrasing moments that we’d all just as soon forget. Her stories are wild and – true or not doesn’t matter – had me laughing the next morning while making breakfast.
Overall a great show, probably one of the funniest I’ve seen.
James Brush is a teacher and writer who lives in Austin, TX. He tries to get outside as much as possible.
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