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UAE Ports Deal Roundup

As mentioned in previous posts (here, here, and here) my wide-ranging reading habits have collided with the news concerning the UAE ports deal.

I’m not certain the UAE deal is an inherently dangerous thing. I don’t particularly like it, but the US Coast Guard and US Customs are still the ones who will really be managing port security and it’s not like our ports aren’t already being managed by foreign entities. I’d prefer they be managed by US companies, but they aren’t and haven’t been for a long time. I’d be more worried if we were selling the Coast Guard, though I wonder how much it’s actually worth considering the age of its fleet. One upshot of all this is that it seems Congress is finally getting around to its role of providing a check on the executive branch.

It does, however, bring up the larger question of how secure our ports are and how good a job are we doing to ensure the Coast Guard has the necessary equipment and manpower to do the job. I seem to remember Kerry bringing this up a time or two during the election, and it sometimes gets quick mention in the news, but I don’t think its something people think about much, at least until the past week, which is probably the best thing about the UAE story.

While reading about the UAE port security deal, I found a number of blogs with interesting things to say about all of this.

Dwayne at Boating Safety Law and News… discusses the difficulties surrounding inspection of container ships. Probably one of the greatest threats when you consider how easily a ship can be hijacked and then used for smuggling along with how difficult it is to inspect every container. (There’s also some nice photography on that blog as well.)

A blog I just discovered through some technorati tag searching, Gun Toting Liberal, brings up some fair points concerning potential security issues despite the fact that the UAE is an ally. GTL points out that Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were once allies as well. The bottom line being that it isn’t inherently racist to want to look at this more closely.

Tyler at The Texas Whip and Scottage at Perspectives of a Nomad both look into Bush’s business dealings and the way in which decisions often appear to be made for the benefit of certain cronies. In many ways this whole deal seems to be just typical Bush.

For a very knowledgeable blog about port and maritime security, check out Whispr Wave’s Port Security, Maritime Security, and Homeland Security Blog. I’m not linking a specific article. There are too many to pick just one, but there is a lot there that’s worth looking into.

And for a bit of humor on the subject, check out Ironicus Maximus.

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Published inRandom Stuff


  1. James

    Thanks for the comments on my blog. This port deal is a tough one. I am open to the world community but I do think that on this one we should grow the Coast Guard substantially and do our own security work. I was in the Coast Guard and personally boarded hundreds of ships. This is a very very dangerous situation. Not the UAE but keeping the ports secure period.

    PS We are dog lovers too. My lab is at my feet now.

    You have a very nice blog.


  2. James……

    BushCo has to have some money on this…..Snow, and others are involved….We need to get the bottom of this.

    Liberals should avoid making this as a security issue, and Arabs Vs US. The fact is that, this has nothing to do with security.

  3. Dwayne, Thanks for visiting. I couldn’t agree more about the Coast Guard. The more I read, the more worrisome it becomes. Thanks for your service in the Coast Guard as well.

    Dem Soldier, I think it is a security issue and everyone (liberals and conservatives) should be questioning why the administration has been ignoring the ports for so long. I agree, though, that this shouldn’t be a Arabs vs. US thing. Sadly, though, that’s how people seem to be trying to spin it.

  4. I agree with Dem Solidiers. This should not be a liberal/conservative or partisan issue. Many of us have family living near ports. Our marine ports are easier targets than airports. Its a miralce we have not had a problem yet. I hope we never do. We should question every administration on this including future ones no matter what party. I really don’t think those in government understand the danger.


  5. I’ve only read this once and I”m still trying to track it down, but it is my understanidng that while DP won’t be in charge of security, they will have access to security response plans, communication procedures and other intel from the Coast Gurad and others responsible.

  6. I’m starting to see that as well. I think the 45 day period is going to reveal a lot of things that… that um… I’m sorry there was something on TV about a celebrity wedding. What were we talking about?

  7. Tom Tom

    I can not believe that our government is out sourcing the management of our ports to companies out side America. It is time to stop this practice. I found a petition that ask congress to ban foreign companies from managing any of the operations at our ports.

    The link to the site is

  8. Well, as of today it seems to suddenly be a nonissue since CNN is reporting that the UAE is going to turn that part of their ops over to US entities. Hopefully people won’t suddenly forget how unsecure our ports are…

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