When I used to coach debate I often had interesting conversations and (of course) debates with my students. One young man was a self-described Christian conservative who loved to debate politics with me. It was lots of fun and he hadn’t yet developed the tendency to shut out the ideas of those with whom he disagreed as so many do who are adamant in their beliefs.
One day he asked me why I was a liberal (I’m actually more of a left-leaning moderate, but I didn’t get into that since the reasons are the same). It wasn’t sarcastic or mean-spirited; he was just curious. I told him that there were three institutions in which I was raised that played such a role in developing my beliefs that they continue to inform my thinking today even though I’m not actively involved with any of them anymore.
The first was the US Navy. Growing up with the military overseas is to live in something of an ideal, almost utopian, society. There is full employment. Schools are well-funded and high performing. There is universal healthcare. People of all races, religions and ethnic backgrounds work together in an environment of (mostly) mutual respect.
Second was the church. I was raised Episcopalian, and I learned that it was wrong to disregard the needs of the poor and the suffering. I learned that wealth was not the most important thing in life and that it was obscene to pursue material gain at the expense of others. It was quite clear from an early age that the ideals of the Democratic party were less unchristian than the ideals of the Republican party.
Finally, the Boy Scouts of America. When I was involved it was about camping, hiking, boating, and learning to live in and appreciate nature. The Boy Scouts taught me that conservation and environmental protection are the absolute most important issues we face. When choosing between business and the environment, I learned that the environment has to come first.
So there it was. I watched his jaw hit the floor as I explained that I was liberal because of church, the military, and boy scouts. I’m sure this is all heresy.
James Brush is a teacher and writer who lives in Austin, TX. He tries to get outside as much as possible.
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Heresy or no, its good stuff. I’ve been weighing all of my views lately, and am finding more checks in the liberal column than I anticipated. Thanks for sharing, your post is encouraging.
I think many people are doing exactly that. I also think that there are quite a few conservatives who are discovering that they aren’t Republicans.