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Tag: blogging

Del.icio.usly Tagging My Blog

After continuing to experiment with categories for organizing blog posts, I broke down and started a account and began to experiment with tags. It didn’t take long to get hooked. Then I went back to freshblog’s Blogger Hacks and read up on categories using and various other methods. I experimented with this (which was cool but apparently doesn’t get picked up by Technorati) and read several other hacks, but ultimately decided I liked the ease of using this method, which relies on this bookmarklet to generate the and Technorati code for my tags.

I then tagged all my old posts (which only took an hour) and will continue tagging in the future. When I get a chance, I’ll install the tagroll or some other such tool in the sidebar to make it even easier to navigate.

Though I like the fact that the manual method doesn’t rely on an outside service and maintains a consistent feel to using the site, this is so much easier and doesn’t require constant re-publishing of old posts. I still wish Blogger would develop a system for internal categories, but for now I will tag. I’ll keep the categories link up and may continue to use categories for some of my posts.

In the meantime my tags are here.

Hacking Blogger for Fun

This post is mainly a shout out (link) to those sites I’ve found useful when tinkering with my blog’s code. Lately, I find myself succumbing to a strange addiction: seeking out Blogger hacks just to read them and try them out for fun, sometimes incorporating them and sometimes not, often fixing what ain’t broke. Overall a great way to learn about HTML and CSS, about which I knew nothing prior to starting this blog.

One thing I wanted to find (because Blogger doesn’t yet offer it) is a categories method for archiving posts. I found Blogger Hacks – The Series on Freshblog, which had many a suggestion, and after experimenting with several methods involving services such as and Technorati, I went with the manual method described on theatre of noise primarily because I like the simplicity of it.

The randomly changing images of greyhounds and a cat that appear beneath my profile come from a small alteration and change in the placement of the javascript code provided by immeria. I also used the code in its intact form for the randomized blog description.

The other Blogger drawback is lack of a trackback system. After some tinkering I figured out how to get Haloscan’s trackback feature without the comments since I like Blogger’s comments. Making the trackback link look like part of Blogger involved playing a bit with the CSS tags and learning how that works. It’s probably not that big a deal, but it made me happy to figure out the logic of it on my own.

Coyote Mercury: The Blog

OK. So this is the Coyote Mercury blog, based in Austin, Texas. I don’t yet have a purpose for blogging except that this seems an amusing way for an obsessive writer to have some fun and maybe even pick up a few new readers.

The names of the blog and my main website are derived from a character in my first novel, A Place Without a Postcard. The character is surprisingly enough a coyote named Mercury who may actually be just a plain old dog, or – possibly – God.

Enough for now. I should get back to learning how this blog stuff works.