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Tag: poems

The Journey off the Path

In the dusky woods behind the lighthouse,
legends flourish and tangle, thick as weeds.
Liars, poets and pranksters all espouse
fair warnings they know you’ll never heed.
You’ll wish your sword weren’t now a plow
if you should dare proceed.

She warns you not to leave the path
or wander into dark and mossy woods.

In nightmares, ignored warnings bloom like flares;
branches claw the clouds; darkness settles round.
Wandering till trees repeat and even prayers
unheard are lost, and rising, make no sound.
Faint steps—wolf or bear? Turn, but nothing there.
Each steps’ crunch—bones rattling underground.
Each step deals a lonely solitaire
against your faith in being found.

She warns you not to leave the path
or wander into dark and mossy woods.

Desperate, you forsake the trail.
Without a map, you seek a fairer route.
When after darkest days, you find a vale,
a bright respite from fear and pain and doubt,
you discover, then, that only when you’ve strayed
you find your truest way.

She lies about leaving the path
to trap you in the dark and mossy woods.

This is a bop style poem written for Read Write Poem’s share the bop prompt. Participants were asked to donate two lines of poetry, and then pick someone else’s lines to serve as the refrain in their own poems. The refrain in this one was donated by Christine Swint who writes at balanced on the edge. I loved the mystery of the “dark and mossy woods” and wondered what was off the path.

I didn’t know where it would go (neither the path nor the poem), but it was fun using someone else’s idea as a jumping off point. As I wrote, I found the poem wanting to rhyme, which I don’t usually do, but this is all about experimenting so I followed that path and wound up using a sonnet-like rhyme.

And, for those who may be interested, Deb at Stoney Moss wrote a very cool poem with the lines that I donated. Her poem is called “A Vulture’s Love Is True.”

Update: Angie at The Space Between Words also used my lines. Her poem is “cathartes aura bop.” Go read it.

Friday Cat Blogging: NaisaiKu

Simon Waits

piercing eyes scan all
he measures my weight in meat
jaguar on the couch
jaguar on the couch
he measures my weight in meat
piercing eyes scan all

piercing eyes scan all
he measures my weight in meat
jaguar on the couch
jaguar on the couch
he measures my weight in meat
piercing eyes scan all

piercing eyes scan all
he measures my weight in meat
jaguar on the couch
jaguar on the couch
he measures my weight in meat
piercing eyes scan all

This is for The NaisaiKu Challenge. What is a NaisaiKu? The explanation is here, but mainly it’s a way to play with words and phrases using a 5-7-5 haiku as a starting point. Clever blogger that I am, I decided to combine this with some good old fashioned Friday Cat Blogging.

I attempted all 3 varieties of NaisaiKu, and like how they work together increasing the paranoia.

And, yes, I realize that the picture doesn’t match the words, but that’s only because Simon prefers to keep his eyes closed. But he is awake. Waiting.

News of the Day

a fugitive starlet
escapes her vise.

a moment’s graft;
we covet her vice.

an iron ecstasy,
we’re infected by virus

spread by paparazzi
who turn it to cancer.

This is for Read Write Poem. I used the read write word #10 prompt where you try to write a poem using the words provided in a list. It was an interesting exercise. Usually when I write I know what I want to write about. Well, sort of. Sometimes. Anyway, this time, I only knew what words I would use and this poem is what they wanted to do. The words I used were: fugitive, starlet, covet, graft, vise, ecstasy, iron, virus, paparazzi.

It is interesting that the words shaped themselves into something that deals with my continued surprise that with 2 wars and an economic meltdown we still seem to be more concerned with the doings and undoings of celebrities than anything else.

Deeper into Texas

(formerly titled “It’s Like a Whole Other Country”)

On a high plains concrete ribbon
(there is nothing) north of Amarillo,
telephone poles stand like crucifixes
after the condemned have blown away.

It’s like a whole other country

On the plains of San Jacinto, a story is told
in blood, in oil, where Houston routed Santa Ana;
hundred years go by, blood is dry, and
oil gushes forth from Spindletop.

Recoiling back to sacred ground

A monumental obelisk marks the battle field,
but the great refineries offering smoke, fire,
filth to heaven hide it from I-10. These are
the real monuments here: the refineries,

The highways

Rolling on to San Antone and overpriced margaritas,
overdone river walk and Hard Rock Café, once
Mexico’s northern town, now we visit the birthplace
of our finest ghosts. Remember that old Alamo?

Legends larger than life

Shrine to Texas heroes, and the arrest
of Ozzy Osbourne.  The church still stands,
tomb of Crockett, Travis, Bowie, beseiged
now by hotels, offices, power lines.

Sparking into lucid dreams

They say there’s another Alamo near Del Rio,
built for a John Wayne movie set.  More real than
the real one, the screams of ghosts and musket fire
still echo, reverberating loudest at the fake Alamo.

Drowned out by open windows

Stopping in at Luckenbach, we drink a round of beers
No one really lives here, but they all come out on Sundays
singing songs by Willie, Waylon and the boys.
Throw back a couple beers with passing strangers.

Let the journey be a story

Under these stars, above old dinosaur bones and
Indian camps, traveling interstate lifelines like
blood through arteries, we find freedom on the
highways, concrete and legend, forever

Binding this place to myth

This is for Read Write Poem. This week’s prompt was to find poetry in relaxation or slogans. I spent some time thinking about slogans and finally decided to learn the tourism department’s slogan for Texas, which became the title of the poem.

Trickle Down Hope

“Your choice today. Continue
with your GED lessons or
watch the inauguration.”

That GED can mean a new
start, early release, a second
chance, freedom, hope.

All eight turned their backs
on history, to earn a ticket
back out to The Free.

But a few snuck glances back
at the TV. Those looks lingered,
turned to stares and held.

When they said, “Please rise,”
four kids rose and stood at
attention. I joined them.

One young man said, “I can’t believe it.
I can’t believe it. I’ll tell my kids
I was locked up, but I still saw

Obama become president.
I can’t believe it.” After the ceremony,
they went back to their work,

compelled by new determination
to get all the answers right.

This is for Read Write Poem’s weekly prompt to write something about Obama’s Inauguration or about new beginnings.

It Wasn’t Just Allergies This Time

Sun is out,
weather fair,
leaves catch light,
birds appear—

If I could harness
these wracking chills,
channel them to burn
like solar mirrors,
we’d end our talk
of drilling down—

Beautiful day out there;
hot as fever in here.

This was an attempt to write to a prompt at Read Write Poem using specific words. I didn’t use them all, but was surprised by the direction things went because of the words in the list.

Along a Neighborhood Trail on a Foggy Day

From the footbridge on the trail
From the footbridge on the trail

Fog silences everything on the way down to the pond. The trees hold still, making way for the muted quacks from the ducks farther down.

I watch a flock of Blue Jays descend on a tree, screeching at something. I don’t see any owls or hawks, and eventually they leave, their work finished.

A Great Blue Heron watching the pond
A Great Blue Heron watching the pond

Above the trail, I notice a Great Blue Heron, solitary and watchful. My eyes drift from him to the shapes of the ducks drifting through the fog. One tree over, a Red-bellied Woodpecker squawks at the heron. I’ve never seen a Red-bellied Woodpecker in the neighborhood so I study him through the binoculars, his red nape leaping out of the surrounding gray.

I make a note in my bird book and watch him watch the heron, until, having had enough, the heron jumps off the tree and slowly flies up the creek back toward the bridge.

Tree and Cedar

The trail disappears in both directions, and I walk back toward home, stopping along the way to admire the texture of some broken trunks. What happened to shear off these branches and leave the gaps in the trees? Was it sudden like lightning or just the slow erosion of time?

I can hear birds chirping in the reeds, but they’re not to be seen. The fog diffuses the sound and their voices could be coming from anywhere.

Along the trail

A gentle fog and
brief graying of the familiar
renders the world new

Watching Ring-billed Gulls in Central Texas

Ring-billed Gull 3
When you grow up with the Navy, you get used to certain things, particularly salty air and the cries of gulls. Things not easily come by during a typical day in central Texas. Thank goodness for the Ring-billed Gulls, then, that come to the lake near our house every winter.

My gull fix is only a short bike ride away, even if I drove the other day.

I ignored the other birds, ignored everything, focused on the mass of white specks floating on the sparkling water.

flash of white
against the blue
plunges into cold

Ring-billed Gull 1

I can watch gulls for hours. I love the way they fly, so graceful. Lazy one minute, and diving for a meal the next.

Watching gulls is watching wind come alive.

wind takes form
substance, shape
a gull streaks across

Ring-billed Gull 2

Cold air riders come to spend another central Texas inland winter, they bob on the surface, cry and take flight.

The wind pushes them around a bit, but it’s all for show.

They are in control.

Ring-billed Gull 4

a cry, a soaring gull
comes up with lunch
i come back for more