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Tag: san francisco

San Francisco Scenes

I took these pictures with my phone when we were in San Francisco back in July. They’re just random scenes done while walking around the city. I had my real camera with me, but was (and still am) intrigued by the idea of using the phone for snapshots, especially with the odd moody renderings you can get with the Hipstamatic app. Click on them to see them full size on the image page.

You don’t have much control over anything other than composition when you shoot with a phone so there’s a certain amount of surrender involved when you’re used to having the kind of control and instant results you typically get with a DSLR. Using a phone you give that up and you even have to wait a few seconds for the image to “develop.”

It reminds me of the wonder photography held when I was just starting out, the way I went about seeing the world in whole new ways, noticing light and shadow and shape. I suppose any new tool can make something new again, but when applied to photography, it allows us to experience the whole world in unexpected ways.


Welcome to Alcatraz
Western Gull
Western Gull Chick
Alcatraz Officers' Club
A Cell
A Window in the Dining Hall
From the Exercise Yard
Guardhouse and Sally Port
The Cell Block
Western Gull

(click any image to enlarge for higher resolution)