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Five Days till Christmas: Decorating

In order to celebrate the winter holiday of my choice (Christmas) over the next few days, I’ll be posting about Christmas and Christmas-related things that I enjoy, starting with decorations.

We usually keep it very simple because we’re lazy about such things, but we eventually get it together and do some work just in time to leave it all up for a week or two. We don’t decorate excessively since the cat likes to test his gravitational theories by knocking things off tabletops, and the dogs enjoy chewing the tasty Christmas decor. Yes, simplicity is the way of a Brush Christmas.

The tree has been an interesting issue for us. We haven’t had one since 1997 when our first dog ate the forbidden fruit from the lower branches of the tree and developed knowledge of the difference between good-to-chew and bad-to-chew. Instead of a regular artificial tree, we’ve been using these cool wooden trees:

They’re simple, set-up and take-down are a breeze, and – I think – fairly hip in their understated way. This year, however, since we now live in a house with a room from which we can exclude the hounds and cat, we’ve set up a regular tree.

But you have to wait until Christmas to see it. Ha-ha! I can feel the suspense building already.

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Published inRandom Stuff


  1. […] How Wonder Woman Taught Me About Santa Claus Last year’s Christmas posts about the various holiday traditions still stand whether it’s decorations, Christmas music, movies and TV, or food and drink. We even packed up the pups again and drove to Orange for a few days with my in-laws, though we’ll be back in Austin tomorrow for Christmas with my family. […]

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